5 Steps To Get Summer-Ready

Five Steps To Get Summer-Ready Skin & Body At City Retreat Beauty Salons & Spas In Gosforth, Jesmond & Newcastle

Summer Beauty Tips From Award Winning Beauty Salons In Newcastle Gosforth Jesmond

Many of us are planning or counting down to our summer holidays at this time of year. We’re making lists, shopping for new swimsuits, stockpiling the sun cream and booking the waxing appointments. On holiday, we all tend to get our legs and arms out more than we might at home – is it all to do with the heat or could it be something to do with shedding inhibitions when we’re away from the regular routine? Either way, our skin is going to see more daylight over the summer holidays that it probably has during the rest of the year! And is your skin ready for such delights?

Exfoliate your skin regularly – Facial exfoliation is essential all year round and should be carried out 2 – 3 times a week (every 3-4 days). This will keep the surface of the skin clear and radiant and will also allow for deeper penetration of all of those lovely products you apply to your skin. There are also lots of gorgeous ways to exfoliate your body in the shower too. Buffing away dead skin helps to prevent blemishes and a dull complexion. It will also help to reduce dry skin around joints (knees and elbows) and give you a more even, glowing complexion all over your body. Regular body brushing will also help shed dead skin cells as well as improve your circulation, all important to help in the fight against the dreaded cellulite.

Restore moisture to your skin – the act of exfoliation not only removes dead skin, it also takes away some of the nutrients needed by your skin. But don’t worry, they’re easily restored using natural body oils or moisturisers and this can be a really relaxing, soothing step in your skin care regime.

Drink plenty of water – we’re sure you’re tired of being told to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. But this is one of the most crucial steps in staying safe and healthy in the warmer weather. Our bodies have the most amazing cooling systems around – we glow, perspire, sweat. However you term it, our bodies keep cool by allowing water onto our skin to reduce the surface temperature. During the summer, we need to ensure the water levels in our bodies are kept topped up to avoid dehydration. So, get drinking that water!

Use sun screen – again, this is a message that is often driven home on a regular basis. And we’re going to tell you again. Sun burn, even every now and again, damages your skin and triples your chances of getting skin cancer. Sun cream, regularly and generously applied, not only helps to regulate your hydration but also protects your skin from burning and causing yourself irreparable damage. Cotton clothing, sun hats and sunglasses are highly recommended too.

Stick to your regular regime, even on holiday – it’s tempting to grab a travel-sized container of any brand of skin care product to keep your packing simple and light. But we’d urge you to decant your normal products into smaller containers and stick with what you know. After all, you don’t want irritated skin because of a product change when you’re trying to relax on holiday, do you? And why not go make-up free while you’re away and allow your skin a break too?

Now you’re all ready for your holiday skin-care regime, why not treat yourself to a gorgeous treatment or two at City Retreat? We promise you’ll leave, ready for your holiday and walking on air.